Sunday 29 March 2015

Opening Sequence - Thriller Film

Why is the opening sequence engaging, and how does it conform to institutional codes and conventions? 

VertigoDarting eyes & hypnotic spirals
In the movie Vertigo, directed Alfred Hitchcock  the opening sequence, it starts with the first thing we see as an audience is a extreme close up, pan shot of a woman's lips in black and white, which then slightly zooms in and the lips quiver, as the camera zooms in the music is quite and once the zooming stops there is a loud deep sound that creates a sense of danger. The same menacing music is playing in the background, which continues for the whole opening with spikes of the deep tone. Then there is a pan up the face of the woman and you then see the eyes darting right to left. A pan left is done till all the audience can see is the eye of the woman. By using the extreme close ups there is not a establishing shot to show location, time era ext. This added to the suspense that is being created, furthermore by there being only extreme close ups and in closed feel is given as though some thing is being hidden. Another effect that is given by using the extreme close up on the eyes is that the audience questions what she is looking at. As there is a zoom in a red filter that had been added post production appears. In the middle of the pupil the title of the movie "Vertigo"is brought forward from the darkness as the eye widens from what look like fright. this creates another question what is she frightened of? . The graphic then ascends up the screen for viewers to then see a purple spiral come forward from the middle of the eye again and gets bigger on the screen. The eye in the background fades away to black but the spiral continues and then changes colour multiple times. The spiral shape then keeps manipulating into different forms and colours becoming more hypnotic. By using this shape it copies the way vertigo feels. An animal eye then apparels in the background in blue. The shape then changes and the shape turns to red expands and has a flash effect then back to the womans eye with the red filter and the yellow shape returns back into the eyes pupil. 

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