Monday 16 February 2015

The Representational Codes - Pretty Little Liars

The show has 4 main characters Spencer, Hanna, Emily and Aria. All the girls have a stereotypical personality, Spencer is the nerd/brainiac, Hanna is the girly girl, Emily is sporty/ a tomboy and Aria is the whimsical, poetry and literature lover. Each of they girls represent a typical slant on life and this helps for people to connect with them as they gravitate towards one of them and who they see themselves as. Furthermore from the picture above you can see that all the girls are physically attractive in some way, which for some viewers may make it hard for them to relate but for the majority of girls the show makes a particular effort to display that yes these girls are attractive but you should be happy no mater what you look like. As long as you are happy with yourself that all that matters, you should never make yourself look a particular way just because someone else tells you that you should. For example in season 5 Hanna experiences a real dilemma in her identity. Everything that she had done to make her self look a certain way was because of what Mona did to make her take Ali's place (losing weight by bulimia, dying her hair and styling it a certain way and the clothes she wore) In the end she had just reached her braking point and dyed her hair with black highlights to show that she was an independent woman who did not need others approval, also to prove to her self that she knew who she is

Gender Roles 
Throughout the show the girls are the ones who take charge of the situations. Even though they are scared in some circumstances they fight through the fear. The boys are more just support, they provide comfort when needed and also they are the muscle. In some places they also help to identify where the plan is weak so the girls can make it stronger.  This is quite different to how traditionally society is with the typical prince saves the princess. In the case of Pretty Little Liars the girls are definitely in control, well as much as they can be well "A" is still around. We see this in season 5, when Hanna is determined to clean out and move the room that A is using to frame Hanna. The viewers see Caleb as a logical person in the first sense trying to bring sense to Hanna. Then we see him as the muscle and furthermore the support when the cops show up and back at Caleb's apartment when Hanna is panicking about the cops.

In pretty Little Liars divorce is represented as normal and almost as that's what you should expect. Three out of the four girls parents are either divorced or separated. Another way that relationships are represented is through Emily and as you discover that Emily is a lesbian. The first person to find out is Hanna in S01E06 "There's no place like Homecoming" and the other girls find out in S01E09 "The perfect storm"She has realised who she is and at the beginning when this was revealed to the audience it was very uncomfortable and that feeling was given to them by the reactions of the actors and even though the girls said that they accepted her they still had to adjust to her new lifestyle as the audience did. Now further down in the seasons Emily being gay has no real effect it has become “normal” (S02E18) and that is the same as in today's society. The girls are very casual about Emily and her partners. The fact that the girls are so comfortable with Emily had her lifestyle suggest that we also should be accepting about other gay couple in your community. Years ago homosexuals were all “in the closet” but now as people have come to accept it, living a gay lifestyle is “normal” and there is nothing unusual about it and it is because of shows like this that shows people how to accept and not judge.

Ethics & Values
This whole show is base on a lie, a lie that has created more and more lies. All of the lies have all been twisted together and hidden away. The title of the show makes people perceive lying as a thing that's not that big of a deal or socially acceptable, its doesn't matter if you tell a few white lies. But that not true, one lie can lead to a huge mess which is what is shown in the TV show. This show can blur the line between what is allowed to be lied about and what is unacceptable. But because it is not just one set rule for everyone it can be confusing for viewers. For example in S03E03 "Kingdom of the Blind" Aria's mum Ella is a teacher at the High School they attend and we see that Ella cheats on Emily's behalf by writing in the correct answers, she lying about what Emily really got. Then we see Aria begin a relationship with one of her teachers which is appalling to Ella because of the decite and how Aria went behind her parents backs to date this man. Yes these to examples are different but are they really. Both of them are doing the wrong thing and are lying about it. This is when it blurs the lines between what lies are okay and what lie's are not okay.

The social pressure and expectation to go off to college in the resent seasons is put on to the students by the parents of the students. The pressure to get into the best school with the best name is huge especially for spencer who comes from a family of overachievers. The social pressure comes from the other students as well to either get scholarships or try to find ways to pay for it without showing that you can not afford it is a big deal for the girls, as they do not want to embarrass their parents and expose them for their  finical position.. It also makes it easily relateble  for the viewers as most of them are going through these same pressures, have been through this struggle or are soon about to be entering into this period of time. Another view that is explored in the show is the thought of not actually going to college. This idea is introduced by a new character who is renting Spencer's barn house Johnny, 

Throughout the show the police play a huge part, from when Ali went missing to the murders. In nearly every situation the girls have got around the police and the punishments because of Victoria, Spencer’s mum who is a very well respected lawyer. In S02E14 Victoria  got them off with only doing community service for tampering with evidence, . This is not a true representation on how society works. People are not above the law just because who their parents are.  Also police have prove to be untrustworthy throughout the show which suggests that you have to question whether to respect or trust a police officer/ detective. This creates confusion because all your life you are taught that police are not "bad" they are their to help and bring justice but when they are being unjust full its a dilemma. This is not a true representation of real life and  how society works, youth these days know that this is not reality. Another way that authority is not represented the way it is in reality is by the girls parents. They do not really have any idea what they are doing, the girls will be gone for nights at a time and no questions will be asked. 

There is a balanced mixed between diegetic and non-diegetic sound. The background music with the sound of people talking and the general noise in the background creates diversity and shows how to work everyday life into and exaggerated TV show. The very identifiable tune that every episode opens with, connects so well with the plot but also has a level of creepiness and beauty. Examples of diegetic sound is the school bell, the banter in the background and the creaks of the rocks under the bike tires 

The shots are very familiar and views that people see everyday e.g schools. The bedrooms of the girls create a very distinctive sense of each of the girls personalities and shows a true sense of what that character is about. Because of the miss-en-scene created it also makes it relatable for teens that are watching. The girls have "normal" rooms like "normal" teens even though they are not "normal" teens. Another way that the show creates mise-en-scene is how the producers add very tiny hints that viewers can piece together to try and figure out who "A" is, they can be from writing on a black board to how in the opening of every show Aria is the one how does the "shh" people can create many theories from that, Ezra was truly A all along or that Ezra and Aria have been working together. Anything can be drawn from the clues given.  


  1. Starting with the personality section, not all parts of life are expressed here such as a girl who is musical for example. Also from the picture above this post it can be noticed that all of these girls are in some way or another attractive and physically in shape. While there is a nerdy one it may not be fully relatable and realistic to other girls who don't see themselves as physically attractive like these girls. With gender roles this was specified well especially while noting that this TV program shows the male, female roles commonly seen in society as swapped in the show. Relationships are represented well especially how you state how the show represents people accepting rather than judging. With the ethics about lying an example would be appreciated. Grammar mistakes in authority section. Overall a good post but examples of the episodes and seasons are needed and would be appreciated to prove your points.

  2. The whole post is nicely assembled so it is clear to read. All bases are covered so a general overview is shown. However, is some cases the section is too generalized and an example or two would have helped. When is it shown that Emily being a lesbian is 'normal'? In what episode does Spencer get out of trouble because of her mother's status? Overall, great post!

  3. Ashlee-

    “Brainyak” sounds like a really smart Tibetan ox (a yak). I think you meant “brainiac.” ☺

    Good observation regarding appearance and identity. Could have continued this a bit further – what common elements are there to the girls’ appearances? The first thing I notice is an apparent thematic use of black clothing. Considering your comments about hair dye, colour seems to have important symbolism in this show.

    Interesting power dynamic explored in gender roles! Though did you mean “definitely” or are the girls diffident about finding themselves in control? Could you give an example?

    Very insightful look into relationships representation, as well as pressure.

    You start off promising in Ethics & Values, but lost me from “it can blur the line between what is allowed and what is just fake.” What does that mean? Also your examples that you use from the show seem to be more an issue of “cheating” than of “lying,” a selfish mentality along the lines of “the ends justify the means.”

    I like your look at authority, and think you could also have extended a few thoughts surrounding the interaction of police, lawyers and the role of parents, whether actual or perceived by youth in today’s society.

    Mise-en-scene handled nicely, though perhaps a bit briefly. Sound section needs development, particularly with respect to the meanings that sound helps to construct.

    Overall, you have some fantastic insights, and you must be patient in order to make sure you are expressing them in the best possible fashion. Clearly you took the response posts of your peers to heart; this is a pretty solid effort!

    While your sentence construction, spelling and grammar have improved, little slips can make a big difference. I.e. incorrect use of either “to”, “two”, or “too.” A collage is a piece of art made by sticking different materials such as photographs and pieces of paper or fabrics onto a backing. A college is a tertiary educational institute. Spelling and wording MATTERS, Ash.

    You manage to dance away from the trap of describing how meaning is derived from the narrative and story world by using examples of mise en scene and editing… yet could you always correctly label them as such? Hm.

    Competent understanding 15
    Good support / range of examples 13
    Satisfactory use of terminology 5
    TOTAL MARK: 33/50

    - T. Marcus
